Welcome to the Website of the West Kalimantan Provincial Health Office

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Jajaran Dinas Kesehatan Prov. Kalbar Antusias Gaungkan Nama Veddriq Leonardo, Sambut Kembalinya Pahlawan Bangsa Asal Kota Khatulistiwa yang Sukses Sabet Medali Emas di Ajang Olimpiade Paris 2024
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Foto: Kadiskes Prov Kalbar bersama jajaran menyambut Veddriq Leonardo PONTIANAK – …

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Dinkes Gelar Berbagai Lomba Meriahkan HUT Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia ke-79
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Pontianak - Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Kalimantan Barat menggelar berbagai lomba tradisional dalam …

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Manfaat yang Didapat dari Bersepeda
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Gambar: Ditjen Yankes Kemenkes Bersepeda adalah sebuah kegiatan rekreasi atau olahraga dan merupakan …

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Jadikan Jalan Kaki Rutinitas Harian
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Gambar: Shutterstock Jalan kaki adalah olahraga kardio yang mudah, murah dan bisa dilakukan kapan …

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Welcome to the Official Website of the West Kalimantan Provincial Health Service!

We proudly welcome you to our health information portal. This website exists to provide the latest information services regarding health, government programs in the health sector, as well as various educational articles that are useful for the community.

Our goal is to improve the quality of public health through accurate and reliable information. Don't hesitate to explore the various features we provide.

We hope this website can be a source of information and inspiration for you in living a healthier life. Thank you for your visit.

Healthy Greetings,

Head of Provincial Health Service. West Kalimantan
Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Kalimantan Barat

Related Applications

Distribution of Hospitals in West Kalimantan

Number of Government Hospitals
Number of Private Hospitals

